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Are we allowed to talk about controversial stuff here?

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Politics, race, religion or stuff happening in the news?

I forgot to add....Asking for a friend. LOL

As long as it’s open minded and members don’t bash other members, I’m all for it. 

GRADS has reacted to this post.

No.  Keep the left side shit and liberal crap out of this forum. 

If you want to discuss the crap going on that is wrong , fine , so be it. 

First assclown that starts bashing  poof your done , like said in other thread. No toleration for bullshit. We don't give second chances. All the members are pretty much on the same page and thats why they get invited in here.....( except for you grads , we gave you a chance cause 5oclocksomewhere asked to ...

Andy B has reacted to this post.
Andy B
Shitboxless cracker

Well guess nobody liked my answer. Lol 

Shitboxless cracker

I don’t care one way or the other. 


I say no politics on this board. I think politics is a huge part of what ruined the “other”  place. 

this is a boating forum, boating is FUN! I say keep it the 4 B’s (boats, babes, booze & boobs)! This is where we come to escape reality. Grads post boating, Tahoe & all the hot chicks you hang out with! 

Quote from 5oclocksomewhere on June 14, 2020, 3:40 am

I say no politics on this board. I think politics is a huge part of what ruined the “other”  place. 

this is a boating forum, boating is FUN! I say keep it the 4 B’s (boats, babes, booze & boobs)! This is where we come to escape reality. Grads post boating, Tahoe & all the hot chicks you hang out with! 

We're going boating tomorrow so I'll see what I can do. RogerThat99 will be out there as well.

nice I think he would be a good addition.

GRADS has reacted to this post.
Quote from 5oclocksomewhere on June 14, 2020, 3:40 am

I say no politics on this board. I think politics is a huge part of what ruined the “other”  place. 

this is a boating forum, boating is FUN! I say keep it the 4 B’s (boats, babes, booze & boobs)! This is where we come to escape reality. Grads post boating, Tahoe & all the hot chicks you hang out with! 

Funny that, when my wife and I talk politics it’s never good. However, when we talk about boats, booze and boobs, it’s all good (assuming I’m not talking about someone else’s boobs). 

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