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Aunt Jemima is toast!

...and not French Toast. This shit is getting out of control! We had a Christopher Columbus statue torn down in our town this week and now Aunt Jemima is forced to change it's name...where does it stop? Everything will be offensive at some point...I'm thinking Log Cabin is next because somewhere in time an African American lived in a log cabin.

How long before women protest Hooters and get the name changed to Saggies?



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Can you not post links?

This shit will not end until we get all the fucking freaks out of office. Fir the life of me , why do you people want to ruin your own country and history. 

Only the black folks are calling racism on all this shit. You don't see white folk like me complain a black woman was on a syrup bottle.  That lady made some great syrup....

I am about ready to find another country to live in , like on the beach in a hut somewhere. 

Here is something the black community should think about , your own people sold your people to the white man , so back to the country you came from and start asking questions there first. 

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Shitboxless cracker

Uncle Ben and Mrs. Butterworth and changing their names as well. SMH

Grads, you should be able to post links. Click the chain in the reply box. 

Ive been saying this for a while, it won’t stop. Social media in all of its forms is very powerful. Look back in history and the events taking place in this country have all happened before. The outcome was never good. Without a revolution, this place is headed the way of every other great empire that preceded it. 




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rvrrun and GRADS have reacted to this post.

It is get pretty ridiculous with some things. I don't get upset that there is a Mexican dude on the Tapatio bottle.

4Waters and GRADS have reacted to this post.
Quote from SKIDMARC on June 18, 2020, 4:55 pm

It is get pretty ridiculous with some things. I don't get upset that there is a Mexican dude on the Tapatio bottle.

Just like I don't get mad that mayonnaise is white. LOL

I hate everyone,  makes it easier ,  why I don't get offended 

4Waters has reacted to this post.
Shitboxless cracker

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