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Been quite

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How's everyone doing? We're all doing good here, I'm preparing for another promotion.

Andy B has reacted to this post.
Andy B

Yes it has been. I’ve been back at the shop a couple times a week, and both my parents are older and needing more of my time. MM should still be at the river, he was supposed to go for a couple weeks. I know the internet is pretty sketchy at Wheelers so maybe that’s why he isn’t posting. Our next trip is in a few weeks, I’ll make sure I post more pics of that. My phone always runs the music at the house and boat, I need to get in the habit of keeping it close to take more pics. 

4Waters has reacted to this post.

very quite.  I look everyday to see if anything posted.  I am not at the river at the moment.  Be bsck there on Thursday..this week. 

I am not at wheelers anymore. I am in my rv ...on the other side of the river.  

Nobody comes here cause tgey can't leave the drama / train wreck threads on the other place. 

I am thinking of heading north for awhile to escape the heat. It is burning me out. 

This semi retired shit is boring 

Mike , what are the dates ur out ?

4Waters has reacted to this post.
Shitboxless cracker

Post pics of the new palace, already. 

...and the front door view


Ill check with Julie when she gets home and let you know the dates. I can always leave at the drop of a hat so she usually tells me the night before. 

We have been tossing the idea around of selling the sea Doos and getting another pair in a few years, but now that you’re on the river I may keep them a bit longer. They are pretty much our Parker taxis. 


pics. When I get back to river.  

You should keep them. Bring them down to parker so I can ride , then i dont have to buy one. Lol 

Let me know , when ur wife tells you to tell me 

Like I said. I think next week I am going to go north for a few days to a week 

Shitboxless cracker

She just said we are probably headed out this Sunday.  I thought it was toward the end of the month. 


Ok. Sounds good 

Shitboxless cracker

Spent a little time on the backhoe and motor grader this afternoon, I'm pretty solid on the backhoe and skip loader and I'm comfortableish on the motor grader, I'm trying to pull some favors to get some time on a D8 dozer.

Get that shit handled Dan......


Ps. I see ol grads left us , he is back phishing lol

Douche bag lol

4Waters has reacted to this post.
Shitboxless cracker
Quote from milkmoney on August 6, 2020, 2:55 am

Get that shit handled Dan......


Ps. I see ol grads left us , he is back phishing lol

Douche bag lol

I'm working on it hard, I might end up getting to the skills test without ever stepping foot in a dozer, I guess I'll just wing it.


Is Greg on the other place under a fake name?

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