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Coloradobelle closed for good

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Another casualty of this shit!


Laughlin’s iconic Colorado Belle to stay closed indefinitely; 400 to lose jobs

rvrrun has reacted to this post.

That sucks. I haven’t been in years, but all of the lost jobs and revenue will be felt for quite some time. 


I think we will see lot more of this as time continues with this economy shut down shit .....

Shitboxless cracker

It’s strange with businesses shutting down/people out of work that Suncountry and other dealers in Havasu are out of inventory. 

Quote from rvrrun on May 19, 2020, 5:07 pm

It’s strange with businesses shutting down/people out of work that Suncountry and other dealers in Havasu are out of inventory. 

A the rich California people are buying everything up.  Didn't you just buy a new boat......baller 😆 

Shitboxless cracker

That’s what I don’t get, most of the people in CA are not working, is this all stimulus/unemployment checks buying it all?  And if so, how bad will it tank after a year or two. 


Oh.  I think you will see things unfold in a couple months.  Meaning its going to be different when the money runs out and no jobs to be had ...

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Shitboxless cracker

We need to get you in the habit of posting the other pic I made with the sheep instead of that one. It makes me laugh every time. 


ummm no. I didnt save it 

Shitboxless cracker

No worries, I may have a copy. 

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