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As you all know,  I lost my job in April due to the pandemic , no biggie to me sympathy needed or wanted. 

As I have been just traveling around , hanging out , doing alot of different things , I have realized.....

And had a lot of time to think and evaluate my life and the people in it. I have to come to a cross road in my life ..... 

I found that most the people in my life in the last 10 years are only internet friends and nothing more unless they are wanting something from me.  Being in the crowds and hanging out with everyone is/was fun ....

For the ones that know your not one of those internet friends , then the previous paragraph doesn't include you.....

I think that society has changed the way people evaluate friendships. There are things that some ( so called) friends have said and done, that i can't even image , doing as a REAL friend would do to another friend.  

I also think this internet has taken grow adults and turned them back into jr high kids ( atleast mentality wise .....

To sum it up,  if your not on their program then they dont have time for you ...

Yes , I understand life gets in the way at times ( losing my parents last year ) definitely fucked my world up......also the funny thing about this post is alot of these do caled friends , wont ever see it. Lol. 

As for the Real Friends that I do have. Thank you for being you and I appreciate you and your friendship..

Believe me when I say this,  I hold friendship to a very high standard and when I feel you dont , I am done with that friendship.  

If you see me on the river , stop for a frosty cold one , 

And if this post offends your feelings , well fuck your feelings and don't stop , 

Now back to your schedule program, assclowns 




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Andy B and 4Waters have reacted to this post.
Andy B4Waters
Shitboxless cracker

Sorry to hear about your parents, I don’t remember you mentioning that before now. Mine are not doing the best so I kind of get it. It’s good that I only go to the shop twice a week, I’m up at their house fixing something the rest of the week.

I’m guessing, based on this and your other post, that you’ve been lurking on “the other site” and some shit is going down. I don’t go to the other site anymore, and don’t ever plan to, so I have no idea what’s going on. I also stopped watching/reading anything news related and between the two live in ignorant bliss. 


Sorry about your parents MM, I unfortunately know my day is coming with my parents. 

Thanks Mike and Dan.  I just kept it to myself as you know I am kinda private that way.  I can tell ya nothing Can prepare ya for it , even though you know it happens. 

Mike - I jus read to get a laugh over there. Its funny how you can see things from a far when ur not in the middle of it...

rvrrun and 4Waters have reacted to this post.
Shitboxless cracker

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