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First Annual Covid Regatta

I’ll be out next Monday-when I feel like it. The new boat may be in for service but I have spares unless the Nylox gets sold. Who else is out during the week?


(it’s about damn time this section of the site gets used)

Andy B has reacted to this post.
Andy B

I will be there until , I decide to leave. I can be the ambassador  for all memembers as they bring their boats down. Free rides and free beers , autographs 5 bucks , suckas lol

Andy B has reacted to this post.
Andy B
Shitboxless cracker

How much for you not to sign your autograph?

4Waters has reacted to this post.
Quote from rvrrun on April 24, 2020, 10:40 pm

How much for you not to sign your autograph?

10 bucks 

4Waters has reacted to this post.
Shitboxless cracker

That’s worth it. 

milkmoney has reacted to this post.
Quote from rvrrun on April 24, 2020, 11:08 pm

That’s worth it. 

I agree.  

rvrrun has reacted to this post.
Shitboxless cracker

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