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Folding Hitch Question

The new boat has a folding tongue, and I have use a hammer and drift to get it out. Is this normal? I would imagine a sloppy fit would not be good, but it takes a good amount of force to remove it. We’re taking it in for warranty work and I’m wondering if I should add this to the list. 


Probably wouldn't hurt to mention it.  Never had a swing away tongue ,so not sure how hard it should be to swing it out or in 

Shitboxless cracker

It’s easy to swing once the pin is out. I googled before posting and the swing being tight is a problem but nothing on the pin being tight unless it’s rusted. 

milkmoney has reacted to this post.

It shouldn't be that hard, I can pull mine out by hand while wiggling the tongue.

rvrrun has reacted to this post.

Thanks, that’s what I thought it should be like. 


I had mine put on and it’s been kinda loose from day one.


I figured loose would be bad too.  It the brake actuator really jerks the truck hard when stopping/starting.  


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