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Havasu “whoops”.

I’ve seen a couple of this guys “how not to boat” vids on YouTube. This week, the runaway Howard made the cut.


Lmao.  Stupidity still does not amaze me.  That wave was unreal 

Shitboxless cracker

Rivr1 sent to me. We talked on the phone about the ghost riding/wave surfing, saying what morons they were. Then he had a brilliant but stupid simple idea, why didn’t they tie a long string to the dead man lanyard?  Worse case, you swim to the boat instead of it hitting something or someone or....


Well. Good job by scott then ... 

Because stupid people cant think rational and hook to the lanyard lol 

Shitboxless cracker

It seemed pretty simple, the guy already had that stupid long rope he rigged to hold the steering straight, he could’ve used that. 

We watched the rest of that guys YouTube videos last night, there are some real winners in there. 


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