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I haven’t been ignoring you guys, I’ve been in the hospital

This week sucked ass. I just got out of angiogram...and had a chemical stress test early today...I’m going to sleep once they allow me to roll over.  

And the icing on the cake today you ask? They found 5 nodules on my lungs And with my cancer history we just hope for the best.

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As a fellow cancer survivor that blows they caught it early you'll be fine eat right and exercise a healthier body helps fight this crap and for your heart.

Take care of yourself and by another boat enjoy life minimize stress....



GRADS has reacted to this post.

Hang in there.  Like Andy said get another boat and live ...

Sorry to hear this. Keep up the fight. Hope everything works out. 

Thoughts with you and Kate , during these times.  


Seems the world is fucking falling apart......

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Shitboxless cracker

That's suck man, stay strong and positive.

GRADS has reacted to this post.

Fuk dude, you just can't seem to get up before you're knocked down again. Get better 

Quote from 4Waters on July 1, 2020, 12:43 am

Fuk dude, you just can't seem to get up before you're knocked down again. Get better 

Kind of how it's felt the last year, but I guess that's what happens when you turn 50. I think I'm paying dearly for my 20's and 30's. I kind of lived a rockstar/pornstar life up until my early 40's. LOL. 

Anyways, the 5 lumps on my lungs are small enough that they just want to monitor them for a couple months, recheck, and go from there. During the angiogram they said the stent is doing well but they found a clogged cerebral artery but since it doesn't lead to the brain they are not concerned and said it might do more damage trying to repair it. So we will also see on that. 

The great news is that my heart and surrounding arteries are in great shape! They said it's actually kind of rare to find a clogged carotid artery but no other clogged ones around the heart, but I'll take it.

I'm on blood thinners for the stent (temporarily) and it seems like they might be causing some of the issues I was feeling. As you can see by the results my tests for thinners were off the charts. The lower the number the better they are working...yikes! They've backed me off of them a little.


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One more note, have any of you had a chemical stress test? HOLY FUCK! Due to COVID they can't run you on a treadmill to get your heart rate up so they chemically induce it. I'm laying on the table and I went from a resting heart rate to hyperventilating in 3 seconds...literally 3 seconds...might have even been 2. Nothing I could do to fight it. That was one wild ride.

I am a firm believer,  that you do not change your heart rhythm,  you are born with it and should die with it. 

Although I know the medical side has to , good thing your in the hospital when they did. 

I keep wondering how your sex life is,  being that your this self proclaimed porn star.  Lol

Shitboxless cracker

WTF Grads!!! I’ve been working my ass off for the last couple weeks and come back to this. Listen Grads I pulled a lot of strings to get you on her Mother Fucker you better not go off and die on me now!!! Just kidding bro this is a little Grads style humor. Wishing you the best my friend. Can’t wait to have a get together and party with you and your wife so you better take care of yourself.

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Quote from 5oclocksomewhere on July 3, 2020, 3:45 am

 Listen Grads I pulled a lot of strings to get you on her Mother Fucker you better not go off and die on me now!!! Just kidding bro this is a little Grads style humor. Wishing you the best my friend. Can’t wait to have a get together and party with you and your wife so you better take care of yourself.

LMAO! Thanks, and I look forward to that party! I've got no plans on going anywhere anytime soon except for maybe a white sand beach. 🙂

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