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Oh, Hell No!!!

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It was bad enough when I received unsolicited correspondence from AARP near my birthday a year or two ago. Now I’m receiving an invitation to visit “The Oakmont” (assisted living home) here in Torrance. What’s the world trying to tell me. 


I think the hand writing is on the wall Mike! 😂


I know, I’m hating it. 


One of my buddies gave my info to "Medic Alert" and on my 40th birthday I got my first call from them. FUCKERS! No one will admit to it but they all laugh.

Now that’s funny!

4Waters has reacted to this post.
Quote from rvrrun on August 30, 2020, 10:49 pm

Now that’s funny!

It was fucked up, I got at least 2 and sometimes 5 phone calls a week from them for 2 years🤬🤬

...but, it’s the perfect crime.  No monetary investment but huge laugh payout. It sucks you had to go through it, but you have to appreciate the inventiveness. 

4Waters has reacted to this post.

AARP is the shit! I paid $16 last year for my first year of membership. With that membership I get 10-15% off at quite a few restaurants. I spent $10K alone at one restaurant last year that excepts do the math.

Quote from GRADS on September 7, 2020, 6:45 am

AARP is the shit! I paid $16 last year for my first year of membership. With that membership I get 10-15% off at quite a few restaurants. I spent $10K alone at one restaurant last year that excepts do the math.

Get ur money back. Its a waste as your life won't be very long 

Shitboxless cracker
Quote from milkmoney on September 7, 2020, 7:36 pm
Quote from GRADS on September 7, 2020, 6:45 am

AARP is the shit! I paid $16 last year for my first year of membership. With that membership I get 10-15% off at quite a few restaurants. I spent $10K alone at one restaurant last year that excepts do the math.

Get ur money back. Its a waste as your life won't be very long 

Good one 👍

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