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Pick One...

I am pretty set on this scallop design for the side of the bicycle tank, but am unsure about the numbers.  I am picking up parts from the powder coater tomorrow and then Dennis will come down and add the silver leaf (engine turned) and striping.  Which one looks better?

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I don't like the numbers but something needs to be there. If it's just those then the one without the numbers. 

rvrrun has reacted to this post.

Ya. Not sure about the numbers either.  





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Shitboxless cracker

That’s what Julie and the girls said. I’ll rework the scallop a bit and leave it simple. 


I think something needs to be in the middle, the numbers just don't look right but something should be there.

I know, I may change the design a bit or just let Dennis do some scroll work or something.

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