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Don’t know, don’t care.


Actually I was drinking for the first time in a month and a half last night when I posted this. LOL

I have been at the river and have not had a drop of booze in a week.  Weird.  I just dont feel like having any ...

Shitboxless cracker

There’s nothing better than the first beer by the pool after a five hour drive. 

...oh, btw I’m here

milkmoney has reacted to this post.

finally had a alcohol yesterday julie still doing the distance thing out here 

Shitboxless cracker

Yeah, still doesn’t want to go dine in and things like that. Err on the side of caution, but not fanatical. 

What’d ya know, I had alcohol yesterday as well. The channel is open to mooring now, we had pizza/sandwiches delivered and were next to a few boats. She was ok with that. 


Makes sense. This shit is out of over it.  Now on crit land you have to wesr a mask and la paz County is voting today if they want you to wear one. 

Shitboxless cracker

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