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The Game Room is Open

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I got sick of this thing sitting in my office behind a pile of crap so I disassembled it and moved it out to the family room. I also changed the marquis and control panel to clubBanned themes and ordered prints online. After two decades, I’m finally gonna finish this thing. My girls like it better than their phones or the PlayStation. 

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milkmoney, coleskier and 4Waters have reacted to this post.

Looks cool 😎 

rvrrun has reacted to this post.
Shitboxless cracker
Quote from rvrrun on April 24, 2020, 12:21 am

I got sick of this thing sitting in my office behind a pile of crap so I disassembled it and moved it out to the family room. I also changed the marquis and control panel to clubBanned themes and ordered prints online. After two decades, I’m finally gonna finish this thing. My girls like it better than their phones or the PlayStation. 

That’s awesome Mike!

rvrrun has reacted to this post.

Looks great! I've been so busy with all my projects, need a vacation. 😬

That’s been the problem, too many projects to finish but I’m only working on things that I can get mail order parts for. 

Quote from rvrrun on April 24, 2020, 9:57 pm

That’s been the problem, too many projects to finish but I’m only working on things that mail order parts for. 

Are you in Havasu next weekend ?

My plan is to head up Sunday or Monday to see Milk, get the boat warrantied, sell the Nylox, deliver shirts and maybe have rum and coke in the hot tub. I’m not sure how long I’ll stay, but it will be a few days for sure. 


I just got home and overlays for the new marquis and control panel had arrived. It looks much better with a professional print rather than the laser print. 

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Universal Elements and 4Waters have reacted to this post.
Universal Elements4Waters

It’s getting closer to completion. It took forever to make the new control panel, get the holes for the buttons/joysticks cut out, and transfer all of the hardware and wiring over to the new panel. All that’s left to do is clad the lower part of the control panel in melamine and trim the edge. I also ordered some ribbon LED that will mount under the edge of the control panel and give a blue glow like to match the trackball. I also need to find some speaker grills to cover the bare wood just under the marquis and make a cover where the coin door should be. 

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Hurry up,  I want to play. Oh wait cali is on lock down. Lol. 

But the weather is nice 👌 

Shitboxless cracker
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