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Shirt Sizes

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Quote from rvrrun on April 4, 2020, 6:20 pm
Quote from rondog on April 4, 2020, 6:16 pm

As of right now..xl..  The way ive been eating and drinking lately i see no problem snugging into a triple x real soon! Lol

I put the order in yesterday, but I’m almost positive I added an extra xl and few l’s. I’ll check when I get back in my office. 

Sounds good mike..  Do you have a mock up of the shirts? 

Here you go Ron.


XL, how much are they?

I think $20 is fair, if I figured everything out correctly. I only ran 20, and that should be about break even with shipping. 

I’m almost positive xl is one I ordered extra of. I’ll check the order tomorrow when I’m in my office. 

The last I heard, they were being printed and should be here around the end of the month. I ordered plastic shipping bags on Amazon, but they are slow on shipping non essential items so that may hold up getting them out. 

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Dan, I checked the order confirmation and I got 4 XL’s so we just squeezed in. 

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Quote from rvrrun on April 19, 2020, 12:37 am

Dan, I checked the order confirmation and I got 4 XL’s so we just squeezed in. 

Awesome, thanks 👍

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